SSL Certificates

We Can Offer Free & Paid Security Certificates For Your Website

Keep your Website secure with our SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates Included with our Hosting plans

QPM Design can provide a FREE SSL Certificate on most of our website hosting plans.

Why Do You Need SSL?

Starting July 2018, Google’s Chrome browser now alerts internet users that a website isn’t secure if it doesn’t have an HTTPS secure connection.

As Google Chrome is now the most used web browser on the planet, this is something we all need to take seriously.

Google has been taking internet security and HTTPS seriously for a number of years and if you think about it, it actually makes sense for all of us.

SSL—Security Certificates

Google is looking to provide internet users with the most relevant, secure browsing experience possible. When users feel safe on the web, they’re much more likely to come back and utilise the services that Google offers.

A better user experience results in a more satisfied user. The same goes for your website.

Google has already been giving secure websites preference in the rankings since 2014. Therefore, websites that have a secure HTTPS connection, as opposed to the standard HTTP connection, should receive a boost in their rankings.

This latest Google Chrome update is the next step in the charge of a secure, HTTPS focused internet.

If you haven’t secured your website with an SSL Certificate just yet, the good news is we can obtain, set-up and install a Free SSL Certificate for your website. (yes, we can offer an SSL Certificate for your website with no annual fee). 

The cost for setting this up for you?- FREE as well. QPM Design will request, set-up and install it for you, and it’s all included in most of our website hosting prices. See our Hosting Plans for more information.

SSL - Security Certificates
SSL means the website is secure

We strive to make our clients happy

So, let's be happy together

Secure web transactions with an SSL Certificate

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